Premier Chris Minns says he is “bullish” about the $3.5bn Narrabri gas project finally getting off the ground despite the plant being bogged down in legal challenges over climate change concerns.
The Bush Summit is a vital forum to get a sense of how those in the productive engine of Australia can feel short-changed and overlooked in the decisions taken in Canberra and the major centres.
Australian households could be hit with “cold showers” due to energy shortages, with the nation’s largest gas pipeline operator warning expensive gas will have to be imported into the country to fill the gap if pending projects are not approved.
Australia’s wealthiest person, Gina Rinehart, says Victorian children are being taught “propaganda rather than facts” and to “hate” Australia as she calls for a major shake-up to the national curriculum.
Billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart has unleashed on Australia’s “woke” education system, called for tax cuts and linked immigration to the nation’s worsening housing crisis.