The sun is setting on our renewables ‘superpower’ fantasy

There is increasing evidence the US has reached the point of peak renewables, as the pool of private investors shrinks and winning community approval becomes harder. Research by the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory showed roughly one-third of utility-scale wind and solar applications submitted over the past five years were cancelled, while about half of wind and solar projects experienced significant delays.

‘Perfect storm’ warning issued to Australia’s east coast energy market

Australia’s east coast energy market is facing a perfect storm of higher global LNG prices, volatile and intermittent renewables penetration, coal plant outages and extreme weather, increasing fears of gas shortages, spiking power bills and blackouts.

Rinehart wants a dome

Australia’s richest woman has unveiled a sensational plan to use resources revenue to fund military upgrades including an “Israeli” missile deflection dome and compulsory military training.

Renewables will not magically make fossil fuels go away

Despite much hype, the much-vaunted green energy transition away from fossil fuels isn’t happening. Achieving a meaningful shift with current policies turns out to be unaffordably costly. We need to drastically change policy direction.

Bush Summit must bring hope, not more bulldust

Outback mayor Trevor Pickering has hit the nail on the head – it’s time for politicians in Canberra and Brisbane to pay more than just lip service to the regions.

Rinehart calls for mindset change

Mrs Rinehart said the elimination of the direct costs of payroll tax, licence fees and stamp duties is what would “actually help the farmer and those in the bush”.

Red tape is killing golden eggs off

We are seeing massive rates of business failure at the moment, the highest on record for some time, and our agricultural and mining industries are struggling with ever-increasing government-imposed burdens of tape and tax.

Costs, red tape risk stalling nation’s sputtering rural engine room

Agriculture and mining magnate Gina Rinehart says Australia risks killing “the geese laying the golden egg” as farmers struggle under the burdens of government red tape and tax.

Without a shift, our goose will be cooked

We need a mindset change, and we need this quickly.

Hancock Energy is a Hancock Prospecting company.

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